about the journal

 | Post date: 2017/12/13 | 
“Kharazmi Journal of Earth Sciences” is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific articles, including original research and review articles in all fields of earth sciences.
From 1977 to 2015, Kharazmi University (formerly Tarbiat Moallem University) published a journal titled "Journal of Science" in all fields of basic sciences, including geology. The first issue of this journal was published in September 1977. On 28/1/2015, "Kharazmi Journal of Earth Sciences" was separated from "Kharazmi Journal of Sciences" with the permission of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance and the approval of the Scientific Publications Committee (Ministry of Science, Research and Technology) and its first issue was published in the spring and summer of 2014.
Since 2014, the "Kharazmi Journal of Earth Sciences" has been published biannually. This journal is currently published in electronic form and is open access. Submitted articles are peer-reviewed anonymously by at least two to three experts. Accepted articles are published in Persian with English abstracts and extended abstracts. With the new editorial board, consisting of 10 local and 11 foreign members from nine different countries, it is hoped to raise the scientific standards and internationalization of this journal.

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