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Showing 1 results for Seismic Wave Velocity

Farideh Talaee Firozjaee, Ehsan Pegah, Ali Misaghi,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (4-2024)

Fabric anisotropy plays a crucial role in the variations model of anisotropy degree of soil elastic coefficients. This study aims to quantify this anisotropy in sandy soils, examining its variations in terms of the available stress conditions, and assessing its dependence on grading, shape and soil particles weight characteristics. To this end, by presuming the transverse isotropy in the soil medium, the elastic coefficients obtained from 419 laboratory tests on 28 different samples of 17 different sands were collected from literature. Indeed, those were attained from the seismic velocity measurements and supplemented with corresponding data on void ratio, stress state, grading, shape and weight properties. Based using on a famous experimental equation, the collected data was analyzed, and the fabric anisotropy ratio was computed for each soil sample. By drawing these results versus the respective experienced stresses, the variability model and the amplitude of the ratio were identified with respect to the applied stresses. Finally, by performing a series of simple and multiple regression analyses, the potential correlations between the fabric anisotropy ratio and the representative characteristics of grading, shape and particles weight were investigated resulting in a couple of mutual relationships.

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