Volume 5, Issue 2 (Autumn&Winter 2019)                   KJES 2019, 5(2): 235-248 | Back to browse issues page

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Abbasi G, Solgi A, Pour Kermai M, Motamedi H, Farrokhnia A. Sub-Surface Geometry of the Howz Soltan Basin and Northwestern Part of the Zavieh Basin, Central Iran Basin. KJES 2019; 5 (2) :235-248
URL: http://gnf.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2693-en.html
1- Islamic Azad University , golnaz.abasi@yahoo.com
2- Islamic Azad University
3- National Iranian Oil Company
Abstract:   (2077 Views)
We used 2D seismic profiles, exploration well data and field observation to describe the sub-surface structural styles and geological history of two basins in the northwestern part of Central Iran (Howz Soltan and Zavieh basins) from the late Oligocene to Pliocene. In Howz Soltan basin, thickness of Qom Formation and lower part of Upper Red Formation is controlled by the South Moreh Kuh Fault (SMF) and the Howz Soltan Fault (HSF) reactivated faults. In the Moreh Kuh area, NE border of the Howz Soltan basin, there is a facies change in the early Miocene succession from the hanging wall to the footwall of the North Moreh Kuh Fault (NMF). Change from carbonated deposits of the Qom Formation (in the hanging wall) to clastic dominated sediments of the Upper Red Formation (in the footwall) indicates the NMF normal fault has been reactivated. In the Zavieh basin, the Oligocene- early Miocene succession wedge out (thins) toward the northern and southern margin of the basin, evident by onlap on 2D seiemic profiles. This feature shows that the basin boundary has been slightly inclined prior to the transgression. Since the late Miocene, initiation of a compressional phase resulted in folding and reverses faulting in Zavieh and Howz Soltan basins. Deposition of the upper part of the Upper Red Formation and the Pliocene unit was simultaneous with this deformation phase.
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Subject: Tectonics
Received: 2019/02/14 | Accepted: 2019/12/28 | Published: 2020/02/10

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