Tavazo Z, Gholami E, Motamedi H, soleimany B, Vergés J. The geometry of growth strata as evidence for the evolution of the Nahreh anticline, the interior Fars region. KJES 2024; 10 (1) :33-52
1- University of Birjand
2- National Iranian Oil Company
3- Geociencias Barcelona (Geo3Bcn) , jvergesmasip@gmail.com
Abstract: (1061 Views)
The study area is located in the northern margin of the Fars paleo high plateau in the Zagros fold-thrust belt. The presence of growth strata in the young Aghajari and Bakhtiari formations shows the continuation of folding until the Pliocene and Pleistocene times. The study of the geometry of the Nahreh anticline was carried out using seismic lines, geological cross-section drawing using Kink's method and field studies. The difference in the geometry of the anticline below and above the Dashtak Formation and multi axiality of anticline indicates the function of this formation as an intermediate detachment horizon. The onlapping of the Aghajari Formation on the Asmari Formation has been observed on the southern limb of the Nahreh anticline. This onlapping can be happen due to the action of the basement fault after the sedimentation of the Asmari Formation. Thus after the deposition of this Formation the Nahreh anticline was folded and then the erosion of formations older than the Aghajari Formation, occurred during the uplift of the anticline. After that, sandstone of the Aghajari Formation deposited on top of the Asmari Formation. Based on the analysis of the geometry of those onlaps investigated in the seismic lines and in the field compared with existing models, this anticline is more consistent with the limb rotation around fixed hinges, and according to the seismic line it is consistent with the hinge migration model. It is also consistent with model C of detachment folds and with an uplift rate greater than sedimentation.
Type of Study:
Original Research |
Tectonics Received: 2024/01/23 | Accepted: 2024/02/19 | Published: 2024/05/20