Hassasi E, Nabatian G, Honarmand M, Ebrahimi M, Keshavarzi R. Geology, geochemistry and iron mineralization in the Qazikandi area, NW of Zanjan. KJES 2023; 9 (1) :62-94
1- University of Zanjan
2- University of Zanjan , gh.nabatian@znu.ac.ir
3- Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS)
4- Sadr Jahan Mines Devolapment Company, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (1357 Views)
The Qazikandi iron ore mineralization is located in the 70 km northwest of Zanjan and belongs to the Central Iran Zone. The rock units in the study area include Precambrian to Cenozoic formations as well as Cretaceous granite bodies. Iron mineralization in the Qazikandi area has occurred in the form of lensoid and vein in the basal part of the Barout Formation with carbonate and shale composition. The main ore minerals consist of magnetite, primary hematite, pyrite, secondary hematite and goethite. The secondary minerals which formed through supergene process and evolved during weathering of magnetite and pyrite are secondary hematite, goethite and lepidocrocite. The alteration in the study mineralization includes chloritization, epidotization, silicic, sericitization and argillic. The current research suggests that the intrusion of plutonic body with granite to quartz-monzonite composition into the Barout Formation has led to the formation of iron mineralization in the area. Due to the intrusion of the plutonic body into the shale parts of the Barout Formation, the hornfels developed and anhydrous minerals such as phlogopite were formed. Following the mineralization in this area, magnetite and then small amounts of primary hematite were formed. The mentioned alteration products developed simultaneously with this stage of mineralization. It is noteworthy that the silicic veins and veinlets which formed after mineralization, have cut the primary phases of mineralization. The field and microscopic evidence suggest that the Qazikandi ore deposit is classified as the magnesian skarn iron ore deposit.
Petrology Received: 2023/02/20 | Accepted: 2023/09/1 | Published: 2023/09/17