- Effects of the April 2019 flood of the Karkheh and Dez rivers on groundwater quantity and quality in the Shush plain
Sara Samghany, Hamid Reza Nassery *, Zahra Kayhomayoon, Farshad Alijani - Determining safe groundwater yield in arid regions of Iran (case study: Davarzan aquifer)
Peyman Sudegi *, Rahim Bagheri - Geothermometry of skarn zones in the Tappeh Ghermez (A') iron deposit, Sangan iron mining district, NE Iran
Hamed Ebrahimi Fard *, Majid Ghasemi Siani, Behrouz Karimi Shahraki, Fanoos Sharafi Nia - Investigating the subsidence phenomenon of the Karat Plain using the MODFLOW mathematical model and based on the development of GMS numerical package
Samira Bakhtiari, Houshang Khairy *, Mahin Eatemadifar, Hojat Mirani Moghadam, Reza Barati - Land subsidence potential in the Tahlab plain and the relationship between domestic wastewater and collapse in sewage wells in the Rig-Malek city, southeast of Zahedan
Reza Jahanshahi *, Ebrahim Gamshadzahi Mahboub, Hamid Reza Soloki, Mehdi Azhdary Moghaddam - Geochemical evaluation and hydrocarbon potential of the Garau Formation in the Jufair field in Abadan Plain, SW Iran
Mozhde Ansari, Morteza Asemani *, Behzad Mehrabi, Buyuk Ghorbani - Landuse change mapping based on drone and ultracam aerial images
Amirhosein Babaeepour *, Asghar Milan - Metamorphic conditions of dolomitic marbles from the Qori metamorphic complex, southern Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, using phase thermodynamic diagrams
Abdolnader Fazlnia *, Mir Mohammad Miri - Pollution and health risk assessment of potentially toxic elements in the topsoils from mining site and agricultural areas around the Kuh-e-Marghavol barite mine, northwest of Mahabad
Hanieh Farhadi, Hossein Pirkharrati, Masoumeh Ahangari *, Yousef Rahim souri
- Year 2024
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2010/07/1 - Indexing and Abstracting
Accepted Articles
Journal Metrics
Journal volumes: 10
Journal issues: 20
Articles views: 356101
Articles downloads: 203477
Total authors: 594
Unique authors: 507
Repeated authors: 87
Repeated authors percent: 15
Submitted articles: 361
Accepted articles: 183
Rejected articles: 170
Published articles: 179
Acceptance rate: 50.69
Rejection rate: 47.09
Last 3 years statistics:
Submitted articles: 87
Accepted articles: 53
Rejected articles: 30
Published articles: 52
Acceptance rate: 60.92
Rejection rate: 34.48
Average Time to Accept: 68 days
Average Time to First Review: 78.5 days
Average Time to Publish: 24.3 days
Journal Information
- Current Issue: 2024، Volume 10، Number 2
- Print ISSN: 2538-449X
- Online ISSN: 2981-1619
- Director-in-Charge: Hossein Mosaddegh, Associate Professor
- Editor-in-Chief: Morteza Delavari, Associate Professor
- Publisher: Kharazmi University
Indexing Databases
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- Registered users: 740 users
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- All visits: 1665234 visits
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Evaluation and Review Process
- Review process : Double-blind peer review
- Time to first decision: 1 to 3 days
- Time to send articles to reviewers: 1 to 3 days
- Average time to first review: 2 to 4 weeks
- Average time for editing process: 1 week
- Average time to publish online: 2 months
- Plagiarism policy: Using plagiarism detection softwares
- Flowchart of the evaluation and review process
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